Webinar 1: The value of long duration synchronous energy storage power systems stability
Webinar 1 will be taking place on Tuesday the 9th of March at 14:00hrs. This webinar, on liquid air & compressed air energy storage, will be delivered by Nic Castellucci and Fernando Morales of Highview Power. The focus of this webinar will be the two key elements to achieve a zero-carbon energy system: grid stability and security of supply.
Please email info@iesa.ie now to register.
Webinar 2: Repurposing "end of life" Batteries
The 2nd Webinar of our series of webinars will be taking place on Tuesday the 13th of April 2021 at 14:hrs. This webinar on Repurposing "end of life" batteries will be delivered by John Byrne - CEO of Digital Array Control Systems (DACS). With the very high usage of batteries employed for storage this webinar is not to be missed.
Please email info@iesa.ie now to register (free for members).
Webinar 3: Financing Energy Storage Projects
Next up in our series of webinars is "Financing Energy Storage Projects" presented by Aine Shaffrey, an Investment Director of SDCL. This webinar will be held on Tuesday the 18th of May at 14:00-14:30 GMT +1. These webinars are free to our members.
To become a member or to register for a place please email: info@iesa.ie.
Webinar 4: Energy Storage in Communications
Next up in our series of webinars is " Energy Storage in Communications” presented by Micro Electricity Generation Association. This webinar will be held on Tuesday the 22nd of June at 14:00-14:30hrs IST. These webinars are free to our members.
To become a member or to register for a place, please email: info@iesa.ie.
This webinar will be delivered by Dudley Stewart C. Eng. (TU Dublin and French Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble). Having headed up Caritas and Oxfam Field Operations in the Energy-crisis Famine in Bangladesh in the mid-seventies, Dudley returned to Ireland to found one of the first ever dedicated Renewable Energy Companies. After a spell as Senior Wind Energy Advisor at Shell HQ, Dudley moved to head up the UNICEF Appropriate Technology & Economic Regeneration Unit for East Africa in the mid-eighties. Here he took on the development of very basic microgrid projects in disaster relief situations in Africa. More recently as Secretary General of the RDI Group, Micro Electricity Generation Association (MEGA), Dudley brought together a community of common interest to create the State-supported Tallaght Smart Grid Test Bed www.tallaghtsmartgrid.com. Dudley directs MPOWER as Energy Solution provider to EU Lighthouse (2018) Smart City ( www.cityxchange.eu ).